Nopal. The prickly pear is a bleak, ritualistic, emblematic and paradoxical plant. The sap from its fleshy branches, the juice from its fruit and the sharpness of its thorns are signposts that guide us along the arid backroads of Mexican culture.
Written by: José Luis Bermeo, Helia Bravo Hollis, Ruth D. Lechuga, Léon Diguet, Dominique Dufétel, Christian Duverger, Eugenio del Hoyo, Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Rafael Landívar, Vicente López, Gabriela Olmos, Jesús Salinas Pedraza, Paco Ignacio Taibo I, Gutierre Tibón, Marcelo Uribe. Coord.: Mayra Pérez Sandi.
Bilingual edition (Spanish and English).